Hey Frankinstein, Wait Up.
Thursday, November 18, 2010

I know you must be busy gossiping with Dracula, but you've gotta hear this;

You are the worst monster I've ever came across. And the worst teacher too. Out of all the teachers that have taught me before, none of them tried to crush my hopes and dreams. Or given me a "good" for my conduct. You've freaking ruined my chain of "excellents" and "very goods". I know you've never liked me, or the company of people I hang out with. But none of us really went up to you and declared that you suck - which I totally regret not doing.
You helped those people who supposedly dropped to NA, you advised the school that they could make it and still cope. And I'm already in express, and I just want to move up from my class and suddenly you're short of your generosity!? If you fail English, you're supposed to drop. So how the hell can a girl who failed her English get into the best class, - and me who passed every subject the worst class in express - without your help?
You're lucky we don't have a Gossip Girl, because if we do, there would be a blast worst than the rumour on Dan and Ms Carr coming out and ruining you.

I think you get the summary of what I want to tell you. You don't want to read the whole thing. But since when do I care what you want? Whatever you witch. Go back to telling King Kong how much you're class hates you. Bye.

All The Hypocrites, Put Your Hands Up!
Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Unfortunately, all I know is what he didn't want. And that's me." - Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl.

You don't know me. Heck, you don't even know the least about me. All you know is my name and why I'm here. And that in your book, I'm the winner for being the greatest slacker in the world, who doesn't study hard at all because I just want to waste your money. You say I waste your money, but you waste your money too. I just pick that up from you. You buys tons of stuff you don't even use or you don't even need. And you don't spend that amount of money having fun, or letting others have fun.
I still don't understand why you have to keep emphasizing on the freaking same thing. And these things don't even make the least bit of sense. Every freaking thing you see about me is nonsense. You keep saying, "Oh, you have a boyfriend, fine go back to Philippines cuz you being here is useless as you don't study and you spend all your time with him." You don't know how much I appreciate you being so cool about this. (note the sarcasm)
I wasn't here on my birthday, you said you'd take the day off before so that you could celebrate it with me. But we didn't go out at all. Oh wait, you and the rest of my family went out. Without me, even though it's supposedly my birthday celebration. You think that's not a big deal? I don't even think you'd remember wishing me a Happy Birthday if not for me informing you that I'm finally 14. You don't know how much it hurt. All you know is that I'm not good enough you qualify as your daughter. And that nothing I ever do can be good enough. You don't how how I feel everytime I try to do something for you. But I'd always fall flat on my face, because you never notice.
Not saying that I do have a boyfriend, but can you even blame me if I had one? Do you know how much I long to feel loved by you, or any other member of the family, in this case. And you won't even let me go out with my friends. You don't know how hard it is in high school anymore. Once you pass on hanging out with your friends, you'd miss out on a lot, and sooner or later, they would've left you behind. And you're social status stands on the land. Is it really my fault if I really want to feel loved? If the only way I could ever feel loved is when I have someone you tells me he loves me by my side?
You hardly even show you care, let alone tell me you do. And when I get mad at something. And I don't even do anything wrong, I get screwed for it. So I might as well do everything wrong, huh? Don't freaking throw all the blame on me for that.

Screw Potato, Screw Screw Potato.

You think just because you're his best friend, I'm okay with you making fun and irritating me. Oh, I think you forgot you're her best friend too. I might've liked you as a friend in the past, but not anymore. People change, their interests change too. I grew to hate you more, and you grew to be more obnoxious towards me. I just dislike you a lot. And I'm speechless. Kthxbye.

That Sucker for American Telly. (Post Trade)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Terrence Halliwell Ang

There is this guy who caught his first glimpse of light on the 6th of February 1996. And somehow, one way or another, we met when we enrolled in the same secondary school. Although I can assure you, he's probably the most insane nutty ass you'll ever meet, he'd never be as lunatic as I am. And since last year, we had probably discussed almost all the movies, TV series and songs we've ever heard of -- from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Gossip Girl to Vanilla Twilight. Other than that, he was probably one of the people who I could tell anything to without worrying about him spreading rumours. And this post is just to show him how much I appreciate him being around and acting all goofball with me.

1. That douchebag agrees that witches are really awesome.
2. I can call him weird insulting names without him running back to cry on his mommy's shoulder. AND vice versa.
3. We have got a game named after him. And no one - I repeat - no one ever wins him in that game.
4. I still have no idea what Halliwell is. ):
5. He calls me an insane nutty banana.
6. We agree that that school should allow us to wear bangles/bracelets cuz it's the in-thing.
7. I HAVE EXCEPTIONAL NAILS! (Out of point, I know)
8. Although someone doesn't like me spending too much time with him, I don't care cuz we're just that close.
9. I so enjoy playing the song game with you, NOT with Eugene cuz I always lose when playing with him.
10. You intro-ed the Toucha Toucha Touch Me song, which is like damn dirty gross man!
11. We both like Hanna Marin!
12. You say I have Quin's voice with I consider as such a GINORHUMONGOUSCISSORSPAPERSTONEDINOSUAR compliment.
13. No, he doesn't like me.
14. Twinkle twinkle little star!
15. You're like, more of a blonde than I am! *flings hair back*
16. You always laugh at my jokes, even if they're not funny!
17. I own you in Chinese! :P
18. I know you're like, in love with Combs, whatever her name is.
19. I like singing duets with you, cuz you're awesome.
20. You know I can't really write a million sentences and you know I'd probably stop now, so. :)

Oh yea, and we rock other people's socks off! :)

And this is what he wrote me; http://life-like-music.blogspot.com/2010/11/nicole-vd-bass.html

My BitterSweet Love Affair.
Monday, November 1, 2010

Thanks you. Thanks a lot.
You told me you didn't want to be in a different class as me. You told me you'd probably choose E4 because you like Geography more. And I believed you and put that as my second choice because my grades would most likely put me in the same class as you. And now because they want to get into E3, you chose that too. So you'd most prolly get into E3, and not E4 with me. Thanks, because of you, my grades suffered. Because of you, I can't get the combination I've always wanted. And my second choice, I opted for it because you said you'd be there, with me. But now, I'd be there alone, without a Jeanette or a Michelle to accompany me and hang out. For all I know they'd have new friends and forget all about me. Which is not likely, but hey - it's possible. You said I was important to you, and now how am I supposed to believe that again? Yes, you've been distraught whenever we don't get along but you seem whole enough to live without me. We had a chance to be together for another year, because if we weren't in the same class, it would be very hard, and you should know me enough to know that I'm not a fan of hardship and work. But right now, I feel that I don't matter to you as long as you have the both of them. And for that I'd just have to thank you again. Because I fell into the relationship trap again when I was already free. I could've talked to other people and not worry about getting you upset, but I risked it all for you and look where it's gotten me.

Catch That Fish For Dinner.

Camped at the Sarimbun Campsite at Lim Chu Kang, which is supposedly the largest campsite in Singapore. Yes, that one near the cementary, and the one that grows really dark at just seven in the evening. It was like, really bad, but not that bad. There was no matress or air-conditioning at all. I heard this girl from another dorm cried because she expected to be served and such. And we were like "who in the whole freaking world expects to be served in camp?" Oh well. At least I slept soundly.
The food rocks :) Haha.
I know that this is church camp, but the I swear these bunch of people are more troubled than normal school people. There was this one attention whore who said, "I feel so awesome that people are talking about me". And we were like, omg, she's such a bitch. And then there was this girl who is such a wannabe, she goes way overboard and she think she's being a bitch, but no, she ain't. OMG, yea i know, church camp.


I'm insanely exceptional!

♥, Nicole :D
Sophomore, JVSS.
StudentCouncillor and currently, CCA-less
InLoveWith RLJY ♥
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